How Do Vaccines Cause Autism?
Article from Substack written by A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR on July 21, 2023 Past discoveries can help us understand the current wave of neurological spike protein injuries. A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR One of the most challenging things for me throughout my time…
Lighten the Mood
Beware of ‘Silver’ Amalgam Fillings in Teeth
Written by Robert Connolly Mercury is a heavy metal known to be toxic to the human body and detrimental to the nervous system. While it is recognized to be harmful to our health, the American Dental Association (ADA) still approves…
Setting Healthy Goals While Grieving
Written by Camille Johnson Grieving is a process everyone goes through at some point in life. As difficult as it is, you can take steps to help you get through it. Although it may not feel comfortable, don’t be afraid…
Downsides of too much caffeine
Written by Robert Connolly The pace of everyday life seems to effortlessly increase over the years, and we find ourselves looking for that little burst of extra energy. While a proper diet and adequate sleep are the best practices for…
Vitamin D studies and COVID-19
Written by Robert Connolly Vitamin D has been a widely observed and studied supplement long before COVID-19 surfaced and will continue to be studied for many years to come. The onset of the pandemic has sparked many new studies to…
5 (more) Healthy Infographics
Written by Robert Connolly We hear about health and immunity often, but have you taken a few minutes to truly focus on the current state of your immune system? Try not to brush it off another day and take some…
5 Healthy Infographics You Can Apply Today
Written by Robert Connolly We are continuously inundated with information due to a daily bombardment of emails, texts, and social media alerts. We mentally cycle through so much data that sometimes it can feel like our short-term memory acts more…
Signs That Your Liver Needs A Detox
Written by Rob Connolly Your liver is an extremely important filtration system that your body depends on to convert toxins into waste products, cleanse your blood and metabolize nutrients. It is one of many organs to keep healthy to help…
Easy Guide To Staying Healthy, Fit and Sane During COVID-19
Written by Robert Connolly How are you doing? People cope with difficult situations in different ways. So, how are YOU feeling? I hope this finds you in a situation where someone has checked in on you recently or that you…
Top 5 Nutrition Myths
Written by Rob Connolly On the Salus Update Blog, we strive to share information that is evidence-based to help stop the misinformation that quickly spreads across social media and the internet. The myths that I am about to share are…
5 Holistic Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Written by Krista Harper Stress and anxiety are inevitable in life. We can choose to fight against these necessary evils, or we can learn how to accept and manage them. They don’t have to be a negative interference, and life…