Change up your workout
It is inevitable. There are stretches in our life when we lose motivation to workout or hit a plateau, merely just going through the process and showing no signs of improvement to reach our goal. In a previous post about mass and strength gains, I talked about one step that may help you reach your goal is to have a good, reliable workout partner. I understand it can be a challenge to find someone that has similar goals and ambitions when it comes to fitness. One solution you may have not considered, or maybe you wrote it off too quick, is a couples workout. Encourage, ask, invite, or plead with the love in your life to join you for a workout. Not only will it be fun, it will change up your normal routine. It will work different muscle groups you may have forgotten about. It may even spark a new energy in your relationship. Take a look at the article below from Muscle & Fitness and give this workout at least one chance. No weights needed, only a partner and a towel.
Pack some manual resistance training into your travel bag with nothing but a fitness buddy.
Source: The No-Weight Couples Workout – Routines for Men & Women | Muscle & Fitness