Get Faster Results in the Gym
October 12, 2017
Let’s face facts. When it comes to nutrition and fitness, nothing is fast. At least relatively speaking. There ways to maximse results in order to achieve them as effeicitly and quickly as possible. Here are a few ways to speed up your results in the short-term according to Men’s Health magazine:
1. Max out body weight interval training
2. Increase weight, lower reps
3. Use a kettlebell
4. Drop sets
5. Superset your workout
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Source: Get Faster Results in the Gym | Men’s Fitness
The New Salus Update Blog
How do you treat diastasis recti in men?
Rob Connolly - SU Founder/Editor
If properly diagnosed by a doctor, the next step may be to talk with a trained professional about any exercise restrictions and what exercise would target the area. Certain exercises can be beneficial, but should seek further professional help for the proper treatment and training, depending on the severity of the diastasis recti.