Health,  Nutrition

Poor diet has gone global

“Diet is the second highest risk factor for early death after smoking,” stated recently in an article by The Guardian, based on a worldwide, comprehensive study conducted by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.  One of my initial thoughts is that it is mainly related to fast food and, various junk foods, growing in popularity and becoming easier to obtain around the world.  Developing countries continue to gain access to a slim selection of western fast food franchises sprouting up in their local communities.  Obviously, the study suggests that the rise of deaths related to diet is more complex than blaming junk food alone, but that a more concerning cause is simply a lack of access to healthier foods.

Another key note from the study is that life expectancy is rising. One issue is that “…while we’re living longer, much of that extra time is spent in ill-health.”  One goal of this blog is to raise awareness and promote good health for all ages and people, doing a very small part to help reverse poor health trends. It is up to all of us to spread the good word.

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Written by Robert Connolly

Source: Poor diet is a factor in one in five deaths, global disease study reveals | Society | The Guardian

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